Topcon Office Ideas

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Volume Reports - Customise data fields reported on, include 'cut/fill dtm' heat maps.

This year all the engineers we have been dealing with on various sites have an obsession with heat maps and pictorial references for reports. We cannot get away with just supplying numbers anymore.

A great improvement would be to generate the volume report with more control over its contents (removal of un-required information) and the option of incorporating the plan view of the cut/fill DTM and alignment.

  • Guest
  • May 20 2020
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  • Guest commented
    June 10, 2020 23:47

    Sorry Steve,

  • Guest commented
    June 10, 2020 23:22

    To which address please?

  • Guest commented
    June 10, 2020 23:20

    Steve, yes please email me an example or multiple examples or various reports. I'm sure each would be a great help.

  • Guest commented
    June 10, 2020 21:30

    Hi Barkley, happy to. I can email you an example of the reports we issue if you like?
    Basically they include

    1. Title and report number at the top

    2. Heat map plot (cut/fill DTM)

    3. Report information with only the required info

    There is a lot of unnecessary congestion within the reports,

    For example, on our volume reports;

    Surface areas - we include these instead of plan.

    Plan areas - Always remove these from the report

    Factor - Always remove theis from the report

    Cut/Fill/Matching - Both 2d and 3d included here, always remove 2d.

    Volumes - Usually remove everything but Cut and Fill

    We also highlight the text of the value the report is presenting.

    This is on a typical volume report, so what we remove can vary.

    It would just be a great addition if at the bottom of the "Standard Volumes' window where you pick your surfaces, you included check boxes (that remember your settings) for the rest of the info above that can then be excluded from the report.

  • Guest commented
    June 10, 2020 13:14

    Hi Steve,

    Can you provide an example the reports you are referring to. I understand what you are after and an example would be good to be used as a reference.

  • Guest commented
    May 26, 2020 01:04

    This would be a great addition!