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Import of *.csv file from SCIMS - NSW format.

Other than manually editing the *.csv file or copying coordinates from PDF, there is no way to quickly import State Survey Marks into the project.


I know it only concerns small number of surveyors but surely it can't be that hard to add this. For now I'm stuck with either of the 2 methods mentioned above. The *.csv obtained from spatial exchange has way too many columns in it. It would be nice to have a routine reading necessary information, i.e. No E N RL C and maybe CSF as note. It could also include Hz and V accuracies as attributes.

  • Guest
  • Nov 21 2019
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    Manami Barker commented
    21 Jan 04:45

    I know this task is very old, so I'm just updating with some notes.

    The File> Import ASCII "Format" can be customisable.

    Click Custom button, the pick the fields in order of which you need them imported. In the attached csv, there are some blank or unrequired/untransferable information, so you can use the "Ignore" Field (listed at the bottom).

    Check the "Order" is correct, the order can be adjusted using the blue up and down arrows.

    Save the format for future use.

    Note: The Import ASCII however does not seem to ignore headers, so you will need to delete these from the file. (We can consider this for a future release to ignore first n lines.)

    Hint: The table header ("format") that is displayed in the Import ASCII File dialog can be dynamically updated by dragging the columns if you find they were not assigned correctly (but it does not add new columns).

  • Guest commented
    June 10, 2020 21:25


    I attached 3 different types of search:

    scims_734245 - SIX viewer, GDA 94 with witness marks;

    scims_734244 - SIX viewer, GDA 2020 without witness marks;

    scims_709399 and remaining files are from GlobalX Terrain.

    It looks like MOSS format is the consistent one, CSV seems to change depending on presence of witness marks and platform delivering the results.



  • Guest commented
    June 10, 2020 13:11

    Hi Charlie,

    Can you provide an example of the files generated by the spatial exchange?

  • Guest commented
    May 12, 2020 22:08

    I have 2 spreadsheets that import MGA 2020 or MGA 94SCIMS CSV files and create a simple CSV file for import into Magnet and also creates tables you can import into AutoCAD for your coordinate schedules etc. Let me know if you want to try them.
