It would be useful to be able to compare pile or HD Bolt locations (point to point) and report the results in a spreadsheet, and crucially, draw on the screen the delta X/Y with arrows aligned to a chosen grid bearing.
You setout 100 piles, and once constructed, you survey the as built location of each pile and the client/engineer wants a report showing the position of each pile relative to design.
A point to point comparison already exists, but we need a delta arrow drawn showing the direction in X and Y with the option to label the value.
Options to scale the arrows, the line length, the line bearing, the text size need to be included to prevent crowding the drawing.
A matching report with tabulated results must occur as well.
I really like your suggestion of arrows aligned to chosen grid bearing, as an option to just delta E and N.
In my view this would be a totally Ace feature.
I have seen this done in other software, very impressive. I would have used this on both Piles and Bolts. It's a good way of presenting data for As Built, and would be a good tool for a Set out Engineer to help them think clearly.
You mention the options to scale the arrows etc, I very much agree and would like to see this being available to be altered in the Properties Panel, rather than the Library/ Project Settings approach. Reason is, sometimes I just want to alter a limited number of text/arrow sizes and not have to mess with the overall settings.