Topcon Office Ideas

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Extend/trim two lines simultaneously to a common intersection point

It would be very handy to have a new option that allowed two lines to be simultaneously trimmed or extended to a common point. This is a common drafting operation.

Trimming each line individually takes additional time and results in separate points at the same location at the intersection.

  • Guest
  • Aug 7 2024
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    September 08, 2024 20:30

    Agree - Rather than a stand alone tool, we just need some additional logic added to the line tool:

    • Create line then end line by intersection of two lines

    • Create line, then end line by middle of two points etc

    That way while drawing lines you can leave the command open, and calculate new points on the fly without having to exit, select a bespoke command, create some points, then select the line, and join them up. Very slow, very clunky.