There is currently no option for snap to none.
If I make a line there is a chance the cursor will 'snap to, or miss' a point. This depends on the Grid Snap settings and is especially apparent with the slight delay encountered between the cursor arriving at (or near) your chosen point, and the snap marker appearing.
In this instance, this may not be your intension and you may have thought you snaped to the point. Could this behaviour be changed.
I would suggest, if snap to none is selected, then the other snaps turn off, and vice versa.
This would also help with the situation I encountered this morning.
I wanted to dimension to some detail in a background drawing (say a Wall or Edge of Road), even if one end of the dimension is a snap, the process is impossible.
I'll try to clarify, there are really two points I was making here.
Firstly, the behavior of snap when compared to some other CAD products. I just tested this myself, and with Magnet Office, if you have a snap set, then you have to have the cursor stopped before it will snap, you cannot move slowly towards it without stopping, as it will not snap. Also, if you have stopped and it has highlighted the snap then it would be useful it the cursor crosshairs actually moved to the point of snap just to affirm what's going on. If you try this experiment in A-CAD and M-Office side by side, you will see. This 'predictive snapping' in A-CAD is noticeably quicker if you have lots of snapping to do consecutively.
Secondly, I realize I should have said background image, not drawing. The snap to something in a background image is specifically an Insert Dimension issue. I appreciate you can insert a polyline by snapping to none, (so insert a polyline then dim from that would be a workaround).
To be clear you are requesting a quick toggle for Snaps On/Off?
I'm not sure in your example if you are wanting to snap to the point or not. Currently in the context menu the snaps are listed and have a check beside the two that are active. Only the point snap and one other snap can be on at any one time. This is due to the point snap always being on by default. This is from the old days of Civilcad. To have no snaps on period, you must turn off the point snap in the snap settings.
Note that when the point snap is turned off, only one snap can be selected, for example end, int etc.
We have plans to update snaps in a later release so what all snaps or any combination of the snaps can be used at the same time. This will have specific snap indicator symbols for each snap as well as a quick ON/Off snap toggle.