Topcon Office Ideas

Portal indented for new ideas or requests for the Topcon Office Software.


  • Topcon Office Product for Survey, Site Prep/Construction or Layout

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Ability to File Reference Magnet Office files similar to 'xref'

It is often easier to break down projects into separate stages, or work areas/disciplines, or to reflect changes over time. Importing a Magnet Office project into an existing one is not always required, just an overlay/background image. In addition to this, if a file is imported, subsequent changes to the original file are not reflected in the project that imported the file.

Being able to use Magnet Office projects as reference files could offer the following benefits:

- Ability to have a visual reference to other data sources without importing the data

- Ability to update the link so changes to the data are reflected. Particularly useful for clash detection.

This behavior reflects the xref system used by Autodesk. Additional features that could be useful but not critical to this request are extraction ability (like with magnet field where a reference dwg can have linework/points extracted) and notification if the linked file has been changed.

  • Guest
  • Jan 11 2024
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    January 11, 2024 01:05

    This is a standard capability for most survey software, being able to store complex data in other project files, and reference them into a main project file from where you can snap, or copy through any element as needed so you don't clutter up your main data file.

    Important to be able to control the colour of the reference so you can tell the difference between multiple referenced project files (like civil, structural and architectural overlays).