View> (Layer control)> Set Layer - set this to QAT or short cut key, and run, this will prompt to select the object you wish to get the layer from to set current.
If Layer Manager is open, selecting objects in Survey will highlight it's layer in the Layer manager for easy identification. Right click> Set Current for the highlighted layer will set it current.
I've found a way to add a keyboard shortcut for this.
'Customize Quick Action Toolbar' ->More comands...->Keyboard shortcuts -> Customize
->Select the 'View' group and find the 'Set current layer' on the right and asign a shortcut combination.
View> (Layer control)> Set Layer - set this to QAT or short cut key, and run, this will prompt to select the object you wish to get the layer from to set current.
If Layer Manager is open, selecting objects in Survey will highlight it's layer in the Layer manager for easy identification. Right click> Set Current for the highlighted layer will set it current.
Also can we map this to a keyboard short cut, my left hand doesn't have much to do in Magnet, too much mouse clicking!