When I import a Magnet Field file into Office, the layer attributes are changed to reflect the set-up on the tablet, the linetype, colour and thickness. (Before using robotic I would import data from the instrument and the codes would be as the Program Setting).
I can go to the Code Library and transfer the Global Survey Codes to the project so that when I select the code from the dropdown box the attributes are correct however when I inspect the Layer Manager the attributes are the same as before. I can change those attributes with the left arrow button but this has to be done for every layer.
What would be good is to have a button that changes the Layer manager fields to what is in our Program Settings is what is being used or have the data imported using our Program Settings.
This sounds like a good feature to have. Would it be good to make the choice every time or have it set as a permanent preference in the program settings.
Yes, would be nice for an override feature on import for codes to make them adopt the code library attributes already use with the office file.