Topcon Office Ideas

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Slope Tadpoles for batters.

The Slope settings seem difficult to navigate, is there a video showing a few examples of what can be achieved or even screen shots in a 'how to' guide.

I'm not sure if these features exist, but I would find it useful if standard settings could be set up by the user and loaded when needed. A tadpole option in addition to the triangles.

I'm not sure how other software does it but I had thought that tadpoles could be created between two nominated strings with the option of varying the size according to the length of the slope, with an option to delete or move individual tadpoles that don't look good.

  • Guest
  • Aug 23 2023
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    November 16, 2023 18:58

    I managed to get it sorted, once I filled in the correct edges in the Create Cut Fill Symbol box. Roads were easy to do, but for my Topo of a bund I had to create a road alignment from top of bund string apply a basic batter template that would extend about halfway down the batter and no cut/fill slopes beyond. Then thin out the tadpoles, maybe move a couple, then delete the string created at the bottom of the tadpole.

  • Guest commented
    November 14, 2023 22:11

    Thanks Barkley. Exactly what I was looking for. I had checked the tadpole box but not achieved that result, so it must be something I am not understanding. I'll take your example and discuss it on a Teams session with my Topcon Vendor.

    Although I am sure its primary intended purpose would be to better show things like new road/rail earthworks, my minor intended use was in topo surveys to make bunds and mounds look better.

  • Guest commented
    November 14, 2023 20:38


    I'm using a Survey license as well and the options are available. I've attached a couple of images for your reference. The image showing the tadpoles has a black background and it may be had to see the blue fill tadpoles.

    A couple of things to consider, the tadpoles or triangles are placed on every cross section, so if the section spacing is tight you will get a lot of tadpoles. Most likely with a lot of overlaps. I'll look at improving this with some settings and logic to cut down on the overlaps.

    Let me know if you still don't have any luck with them.

  • Guest commented
    October 29, 2023 20:04

    Within Design, Roads at the stage of Data Transfer Survey there is an option to create Cut Fill Symbols. In the Settings there is a choice of Style Triangle or Tadpole, this doesn't seem to work. If I search in the help for Tadpoles it appears to show this as a feature in of the Resurface Design which is not part of Magnet Survey it is possibly only in the Magnet Site package.

    Can this be sorted please.