Topcon Office Ideas

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Create Enclosing Boundary details Box

When creating an enclosing boundary the pop up box appears for us to select Convex or Tight, could there also be at this stage, fields to enter a Name, Layer, Colour. These could of course be pre-populated with the Last boundary name incremented by 1, and the current layer etc but we would have the ability to change these at this stage and create a new layer here if desired.

Currently I have to go to Layer Settings and Properties to do this.

Also following on from this, I frequenty have to edit the boundary which involves a trip to Modify, Edit Entity or straight on the screen with select, shift and drag. Once the boundary is created it is highlighted so is easy to see where we might wish to change it, could an option be available here to insert and remove points to modify it. Maybe it would work to choose an edit boundary option which would go straight to the modify, edit entity box while it is still highlighted.

A Boundary Manager box in a similar style to DTM Manager would be excellent.

I see there is a Boundary Create list/ Edit list option which i'm sure would have its uses but I found to be not easy to use and over complicated.

  • Guest
  • Feb 24 2023
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    March 01, 2023 22:06

    Thanks for agreement on the first section. I had a good look at the video and it's prompted me to explore shortcuts and custom menus much more. I had previously only created one toolbar with about four buttons on it.

  • Guest commented
    March 01, 2023 18:55

    I agree with the first section of the idea about being able to define the layer, name etc. when creating an enclosing boundary. I'll get this on the to-do list. For the additional items, at least the editing part and even the layer specification please have a look at the attached video.
    I run with customized shortcut keys, which I show the location where to customize in the video, and I use two keys for this video. My shortcut key for enclosing boundary is "N", and for the property manager is "W". So, when the dialogs appear in the video, I have pressed the appropriate keys.
    I also use a custom toolbar, created in the toolbar dialog located in the view ribbon. I have one specifically for strings and polygons. I will use it for adding and removing points from the created boundary.
    At any rate, the items you want to do can be achieved pretty quickly in version 8, which is scheduled to release in April '23. So please understand, I am using version 8 so I'm giving a quick peek of the new version. Please let me know what you think.