Topcon Office Ideas

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Bring back keyboard accelerators

In earlier versions of Magnet (or even good old CivilCad), keyboard accelerators were a thing, and very useful at that. You could just press a sequence of keys to activate the task you were after e.g. something like 'ALT'+I,P,A was Insert Point by Angle, for example. Once you knew some of these sequences they were very quick and very useful, and you weren't limited to a very finite number of Shortcut Keys.

  • Guest
  • Feb 14 2023
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  • Guest commented
    June 29, 2024 01:18

    Hi Peter,

    Revisiting this idea again. I'm planning on revamping the customization options for shorcut keys, Quick Access Toolbar and keyboard shortcut keys into a common UI. I use keyboard shortcut keys in magnet office. There are admittingly some quirks that we will work out but actually it works pretty well. You can only use one letter or a combination of the alt+letter or number as well as shift+ and ctrl+. If you haven't had a go at the keyboard shortcuts currently implemented, go to the dropdown on the quick access toolbar and select the "more commands" option and then locate the keyboard shortcuts button at the bottom left of the dialog. This may help you out and I agree they are very useful.

  • Guest commented
    February 16, 2023 00:13

    Hi, Barkley. 'Command aliases' has potential. The existing commands are a little long-winded to key in so I've tried streamlining them by redefining them e.g. 'Insert>Point>Offset/Angle' goes from 'offset/angle' to 'ipa'. It'll take a bit of time streamlining the commands for my liking, and you have to reboot Magnet for them to take effect, AND you lose some more of your workspace, but it could be a way round the issue albeit with a bit of a deviation. Thanks, Peter.

  • Guest commented
    February 15, 2023 18:58

    I recommend using the "command aliases". The command line is opened by pressing the space bar, then remains open until close by user.

    The command line is modeless allowing it to remain open allowing functions from the ribbons to be used when required.