Topcon Office Ideas

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Right Click menu

I was recently looking to delete a string and all points on it. This was solved by the option in the right click menu, Select Linked Point.

Then I got to thinking the Right Click Menu is too large and I avoid it.

Can it be rationalised, especially by making the inclusion of all the navigation zoom, pan controls optional.

  • Guest
  • Feb 5 2023
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    September 08, 2024 21:03

    The right click menu needs to be customizable. It also needs a recent command history at the top to recycle commands often used in succession repeatedly.

    We should be able to place most used commands in a section that suit the user, like edit, delete, copy, various measure commands, whatever - I know some of these are parked at the bottom, but a custom section and choice to remove other stuff that sits dormant would shrink it down and provide more utility.