Topcon Office Ideas

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Select all points associated with an entity

A client asked how they can select points on a string. On review I cannot find an efficient way to do this. Especially of the string is not coded or named.

I believe it would be useful to be able to select all the points associated with an entity. This could be lines, arcs, strings, or any other entity that uses points. This could help with mass elevation adjustment and identifying and setting common properties.

A simple right-click menu option when selecting a string to “select all associated entities”. The inverse could be used on points. Selecting a point and then searching for associated entities would enable a user to isolate the entity that is stopping the user from deleting a point (normally in a layer that is turned off).

  • Guest
  • Jun 1 2022
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    June 03, 2022 19:32

    My suggestion is to keep the edit point panel open and use the "by entity" selection option. This isolates to the points on the entity or multiple entities selected.